The Walker Please explain to

The Walker

Please explain to me if Lexicon used better internal parts what those parts may be? And if Indeed the Lexicon BD-30 is a better player why are you choosing to put the Oppo in as you say your own rig? Since you are championing both Kens review and the Lexicon player itself it seems to me that if these statements were actually factual I would want to have the Lexicon in my rig. Posted on January 20, 2010 7:39 AM Jerry is never gonna respond to direct much is obvious. I have a make a post listing very briefly the specific questions that have not yet been no one post anything after that until Jerry s the random minutae in other posts that Jerry is focusing dont give him just distracts from getting him to man up and ANSWER THE QUESTIONS. Posted on January 20, 2010 8:43 AM I dont think Jerry is going to engage in endless discussion on this subject. Basically hes said his piece and hes sticking to it. I do commend him for at least putting the comments back up and so far at least, not deleting any, even though some people seem to be pushing the limits of what could be considered polite discussion. Lexicon relies on a few things to sell this product, one is their name, which has a history of quality, another is price. Most people that buy this are going to assume that because it costs so much it must be a lot better than a 500 dollar player. Even though they may not be able to articulate what the difference is, even if you were to do a blind side by side comparison and show them there is no difference they still want to The Walker it is better. The high price is simply part of a marketing tool, not a reflection of quality or value. This scam is perpetuated by fluff sites not naming names who drink the kool-aid and fawn over their high priced gadgetry. These people may call themselves audiophiles, but what exactly does that mean? Is there a test to become an audiophile? Is there a course of study you can complete at a university after which you become an audiophile? No, this is more of a self applied term, if you say youre an audiophile youre an audiophile, just like if you say youre a wine connoisseur then you are, its a subjective term. So these self styled experts who have dubious or non-existent qualifications play around with absurdly overpriced electronics and throw around fancy lingo like cryogenically treated but never do they do any quantitative analysis. Its all subjective listening and viewing. They fall for the same fancy marketing and regurgitate it to consumers who, unfortunately, may be swayed into parting with their money for products that are simply not worth it. I respect Jerrys right to do essentially whatever he wants on his site. He can take whatever opinion he wants and delete comments as he sees fit. But it is disappointing that in this instance he is unwilling to call a spade a spade. He still is defending the Lexicon unit as a reasonable option for those that want the better case. Hey, you can buy this Mercedes for 100, 000 bucks, OR you can buy this other Mercedes that has a different paintjob and wheels, its exactly the same otherwise but costs 700, 000 bucks. What? theres no trick here, the consumer can decide which they want. This is basically his stance. As best I can figure to admit you are wrong would be to lose face, and the longer you drag it The Walker the more embarrassing it would become. Even though Lexicon told Audioholics they would submit a written response to their article its been 5 days and they are still silent apparently. Though they insist they improved upon the Oppo unit. I imagine there are discussions going on at Lexicon at this moment about how best to proceed given the bad press they are getting. I see a few possible outcomes. One would be to stick to their head in the sand, stand by their product and continue selling it, taking the hit to their reputation amongst the community. Another option would be for them to lower the price to a more reasonable level, say 700 bucks or so? But to do that would be admitting the previous price was a blatant ripoff. It would also put a lot of reviewers in a bad light who had fawned over it at the previous price point. A third option, which would be their best bet in my opinion, would be to quickly issue a revised unit, a BD-30 SE perhaps, that includes some of their own technology. Then they can claim to have added some value and save face. Posted on January 20, 2010 2:10 PM Thanks for your well-thought out post. I think you make a lot of good points, however I do think youre being a little generous with your Mercedes analogy as it applies to Jerry/Kens position. I think a better analogy is that Mercedes is offering a new car for 350, 000 that they claim is based on a Dodge that costs 50, 0 Ken drives the Mercedes and the sport edition of the Dodge and says he feels that the Mercedes performed better. Its then discovered that ther Mercedes IS the stock Dodge, with different body panels, but Ken still says that the Mercedes performs better due to special, unnamed mods and Jerry backs him without providing so much as a hint as to what these mods are. The tangential discussion of polite discourse thats arisen has frustrated me somewhat. Jerry talks about keeping the discussion positive and lively, yet he shows a complete lack of respect for anyone here who has asked a tough question by glossing over it or trying to divert the discussion with irrelevant analogies and fluff. Dont whine about discussions turned sour when you not you personally Aaron, but you Jerry dont have the basic respect to answer reasonable, applicable questions that are raised in the course of the conversation. Even if Jerry told us that hes in contact with Lexicon and attempting to find out what makes the BD-30 special/different as opposed to the BDP-83SE, at least it would show that he cares enough to find more information for his readers when its lacking.

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