The netherlands Theyre looking

The netherlands

Theyre looking for the most unique fan rendition of their favorite characters from the show. Fans have until 12/3 to submit their entries and the shows original production designer, Brendan McCarthy, will select 5 to be showcased on the DVD releases in 20 Winners will be notified on 12/13 and will get a free copy of the complete series DVD set next year. Click here for more details at the official ReBoot website. First, Sony has confirmed Salt for DVD and Blu-ray release on 12/ There will be both theatrical and Unrated DVDs SRP 95 as well as an Unrated Blu-ray SRP Extras on the Blu-ray will include multiple audio commentary tracks with the filmmakers, a Spy Cam PiP viewing mode, 6 featurettes SALT: Declassified, The Ultimate Female Action Hero, The Real Agents, Spy Disguise: The Looks of Evelyn Salt, The Modern Master of the Political Thriller: Phillip Noyce and False Identity: Creating A New Reality, a Phillip Noyce radio interview and the usual BD-Live and movieIQ options. Also, 20th Century Fox has set Laugh It Up Fuzzball: The Family Guy Trilogy for release on DVD and Blu-ray on 12/21 SRP 98 and The set will include Blue Harvest, Something Something Something Darkside and Its a Trap! And a bit of sad news today, actress Barbara Billingsley, best known for the role of June Cleaver on TVs Leave It to Beaver, has passed away at the age of More here at CNN. Greetings, everyone! And welcome to your Monday morning, already in So, Matt and I are not ashamed to admit we checked out a screening of Jackass 3D on Saturday. Yes, in actual 3D. I suspect one or two other Bits staffers saw it as well over the weekend. I the netherlands think Ill ever watch the film a SECOND time, as the shock value just isnt the same on repeat viewing. But there were some darned good laughs there, as was the case with the previous films. Obviously, theres stuff thats WAY over the top too, but thats just all part of what you expect with Johnny Knoxville and the boys. And hey the film was shot in NATIVE 3D! None of this 2D up-conversion business! Anyway, its not for the faint of heart or the weak of stomach, but a couple laughs. Plus, Jared Allen of the Minnesota Vikings makes a cameo, which always works for this Vikes fan. Oh do you suppose Paramount is going to release this one on Blu-ray 3D?! Well, the film made 50 million this weekend, so Im betting ; Anyway, I thought wed check in early this morning with Dr. Jahnkes latest Hell Plaza Oktoberfest review, which is none other than Severin Films Crucible of Terror on DVD an oldie but a goodie! Jahnkes got another good line-up of titles to cover this week, so check back daily. Enjoy! Back later with the usual news update and more. Stay tuned! We dont often dabble in upcoming film release news, but as you may know were pretty big fans of Peter Jacksons Lord of the Rings films around here. So this is just too good not to mention: Variety is now reporting that The Hobbit has just officially been given a greenlight by Warner and MGM to begin production with Jackson directing in February, with scheduled theatrical release dates of December 2012 for Part I and December 2013 for Part II. The films will be shot natively in 3D. The labor/union issues still have to be resolved, but not a bad way to start a weekend, yes? Afternoon, folks! Hope this post finds you all well. Jahnke closes out the second week of his Hell Plaza Oktoberfest today, with a review of the Maniac: 20th Anniversary Edition Blu-ray from Blue Underground. Nothing like a little splatter and gore to start a Halloween season weekend off, yes? Well, there you go. In announcement the netherlands today, our friends over at Criterion have set their January DVD and Blu-ray slate, and its another darned good one. Look for new Blu-ray upgrades of Army of Shadows 385 and Robinson Crusoe on Mars 404 on 1/11/10 SRP 95 each, followed by upgraded versions of Sam Fullers The Naked Kiss 18 and Shock Corridor Cat 19 on both DVD and Blu-ray on 1/18/11 SRP 95 and 95 each, and James L. Brookss Broadcast News 552 on DVD and Blu-ray on 1/25/11 SRP 95 and 95 each.

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