The 12 dogs of christmas lyrics

The 12 dogs of christmas lyrics

I dont think its right to attack people on their use of English either. Just saying. That s way the bestest asnewr so far! yeah I bought Harry Potter before I bought Dawn Treader. Hate me if you want, but Deathy Hallows was a much better movie. Movies in this generation are very dark and evil. It s hard to find something good in the darkness if your just blinded without Light His Light. I agree, I had to stop watching harry potter movies, as they were getting too dark and disturbing, and I m an adult. and not a softy, either. They are worse than freddy kruger movies now. Really? Is that the last two movies, because I didn t see them. While all of the HP movies and books have dark themes, I wouldn t say the first five films were really disturbing. When Phoenix came out, it was so impotent and pointless that I decided the film franchise had run it s course, artistically. The book is one of my all-times faves and, I have to say, my own visualization that I had from reading the book was vastly superior to the movie. That s one way in which the Walden Narnia films are the 12 dogs of christmas lyrics to the Potter series. They always add something to my experience of the books. Beautiful visualizations of the Narnian landscape, and some excellent performances. When I reread VDT after seeing the movie, I enjoyed the book even more because I was picturing Will Poulter and Ben Barnes, and even Georgie, although she overacts at times. I was also picturing the Walden visualizations of the Ship, Magician s Island, Aslan s country, etc. Just Queen, not High Queen says: Even though I haven t seen the movies or read the books, I absoultely loathe HP for the spiritual reasons regarding witchcraft. The fact that Narnia is a Christian book/movie is the reason I m a fan in the first place! Evil? Seriously? Sure, there are some that are just irredeemably immoral with no good themes whatsoever, but the 12 dogs of christmas lyrics isn t the majority of movies. A few swear words or some violence does not a movie EVUL!!!11!! The new Thor movie particularly comes to mind. Very clean movie, content wise with only a few minor profanities, no sex whatsoever. Excellent themes though, like the importance of humility and self-sacrifice. Well worth a viewing. I have a reason why I would never see that movie. This Thor guy is supposed to be a god. The first and second commandments say that people should have no god accept for God and no idols. And i agree that just beacuse there s a curse word Perfer there to be non but you can t always have your way the 12 dogs of christmas lyrics it comes to movies or vilonce Passion of the Christ That s pretty violent but not evil doesn t make a movie bad, but there are other resons which I don t care to talk about here And this is yet another reason why it pays to do some research into a film before making judgements. Regardless of whether or not Thor is a deity in the comics and in mythology, in the film he is not. There s a brief reference to the Norse worshiping the Asgardians, but no character within the film ever claims to be a deity, nor do they demand worship of anyone. I don t care. I m still not supporting a movie like that. It breaks the first commandment. I m not watching a movie that makes another god look good, when God is the only true God. I m never in my life seeing that movie. So I guess that means you ll be skipping every movie ever made about advanced alien races since they clearly must be gods too. I normally don t comment on these little sorts of conversations between two people, but I m somewhat confused. Who is it breaking the commandments if Thor isn t a god? Just out of curiousity, not trying to be pushy.

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