Striker A movie shouldn t be


A movie shouldn t be epic and long simply for the sake of being so. The movie, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo proves the aforementioned point. The film is 2 and a half hours long, but it needs to be. Not a moment should be edited out or added in. The film is edited and directed seamlessly. Perfectly cut so the fast pace is maintained throughout. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo has plot twists on its plot twists, breathtaking and tense scenes, characters the audience cares about, humor and heartbreak. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo has everything you could want in a summer movie. The movie isnt a deep psychological study. It isnt profound in anyway. Its fluff. Fluff with violence and sadism, but fluff striker the same. But who cares. Fluff has to be well-crafted too and is no easier to make than deep, intellectual pictures. If you go to the theater to be transplanted into a unique world and be entertained, you could do far worse than The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and if you want to see a movie still playing in theaters then you could do not much better. The film, The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, based on the novel published posthumously by Stieg Larsson whose original title was the less subtle and more provocative, Men Who Hate Women is 2 and a half hours long with nary a wasted frame. The movie is long but not necessarily and I was shocked that 2 and a half hours went by so quickly. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo is a dazzling mystery filled with many twists and turns. But the revelations come from the piecing together of clues and deduction the characters partake in instead of just having surprises cobbled at random. There are no red herrings and if there are, none that the spectator notices or cares about. There was no smell of fish in the theater and if there was then if must striker been my feet. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo opens with investigative journalist Mikael Blomkvist Michael Nykvist being found guilty and serving three months for committing libel. Mikael has six months until he has to serve his sentence. The story also deals with hacker Lisbeth Salander aka the girl with the dragon tattoo Noomi Rapace who is paid to hack into Mikaels striker and look at all his files and documents which prove or disprove the truth of the libel suit.

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