Space jam trailer hd And suspenseful

Space jam trailer hd

And suspenseful. Looking forward to the rest of the story. Glad everyone made it back safely and that Carnival is working hard to make things right for all the guests. Not sure if another cruise line would have handled this so well. John, I would gladly have been honored to be on the Splendor space jam trailer hd you and the wonderful crew! The media is making me sick with there reports of this! I was one of your passengers on the Splendor this week. And I will space jam trailer hd with other passengers in saying you never said it was an actual fire you said only flameless fire which we thought was ridiculous and misleading. HOWEVER I think you did a fantastic job of keeping us informed. Trying to coordinate to make things as comfortable and non-scary as possible and to keep a bit of levity in a scary situation although some of your jokes weren t appreciated by all. And you can never please them all? Can you John?. I thank you and found your lovely english accent to be a comfort. Without it we would have been not only stranded at sea but unaware of how, why or for how long. I truly hope the crew get more than their traditional 15% gratuity. They space jam trailer hd so far above and beyond their normal jobs to keep the passengers safe, fed, WAITED ON, and entertained. I saw sweat rolling down their faces and still they had a smile. I saw exhaustion behind their eyes and still they worked on rigourously. They ARE heros. Selfless heros. They not only had to live the same situation all of the passengers did but had to WORK through it and take care of not just themselves, but others too. INCREDIBLE can not even describe the crew. There is no word to describe the crew and I would cruise with them all again any day. Well maybe not any day soon but when I am ready to try it again this was my first cruise you know. Get some good rest John. And prepare to cruise again another day. Thank you for being the voice in the ceiling that kept us informed! We were just on the Splendor the last week of September. John you truely are amazing. I am glad you were able to keep your humor through everything that happened to you and the guests aboard the ship.

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