Poker face remix Garland reads

Poker face remix

Garland reads the stage directions while Boyle acts out the characters. This is a brilliant way to show a very different take on the final act of the film, leaving out the characters encounter with the soldiers. It s almost just as eerie as the film itself. Flawed it may be, but it s still a nifty idea. Next up is a making of documentary entitled Pure Rage. Narrated by a British girl who can be heard on those Ibiza documentaries on cable TV, this 24-minute piece is a little sloppy in poker face remix and content. The first half deals with infectious diseases and their influence on society, while the second half focuses on the actual production itself. There are several interviews intercut with clips from the film, though the real nuts and bolts of how they made the film is reserved for the commentary track. A welcome addition nonetheless. The marketing section contains the theatrical teaser trailer, the main theatrical trailer, animated storyboards from the UK website, and a music video from Jacknife which will please fans of dance music. Rounding out the collection is a series of galleries accompanied by a commentary again! from Danny Boyle. There is a production and a Polaroid section with a large range of photos to look at. Boyle s commentary in the Polaroid section is great, as he talks about the future of Polaroid cameras and the way the film industry uses them. What looks like a pretty small and meaningless extras package turns out to be very entertaining indeed, thanks to Boyle and Garland s input on both the commentary track and the deleted scenes. The other extras accompany the two main supplements quite well and make this a great addition to the film. Creativity has not been lost to short filmmakers and independent directors. With interesting ideas, creative ways of telling a story and an intelligent script there is definitely more scope to conjure up a poker face remix film like 28 Days Later. Danny Boyle has given us a brilliant piece of work that makes most other horror films look second rate. The poise and tension he creates with every element of the film helps to scare the wits out of the audience when the eventual payoffs arrive. The video quality is good considering the loss of detail inherent in using digital video, while the audio and extras packages are top notch. This is definitely a disc to add to your collection if you haven t done so already. Am i the ONLY one who HATED this movie and all of its entirerty? Am i the ONLY one who HATED this movie and all of its entirerty? Are you coming from the position of horror film fan or just movie fan? I d be interested to hear your thoughts on why you didn t like it. But you re certainly not alone as I ve seen plenty of reviews around the traps that express their reservations on the film.

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