Partly cloudy hd Robert

Partly cloudy hd

Robert Whiting: Did you join the struggle movement to the Security Treaty in 1960? Miyazaki Hayao: No, at least not the big movement from 1959, I joined it after 19 Robert Whiting: To protest against the Vietnam war? Miyazaki Hayao: Yes. I joined the demonstrations thousands of times. We didnt think we were supporting the Vietnamese people, though we were supported on our movement. I thought there should have existed a fairer and more equal world. Robert Whiting: So, is Studio Ghibli a stock company? Miyazaki Hayao: Yes. I have my own company called Nibariki note: , 2 horse power, its name is inspired by a Citron 2CV, one of Miyazaki s cars, which is a stock company as well. However, I do not have any interest in their stock price. My father liked trading stock I couldnt understand why it was interesting. Someone has to lose money to let me gain Everyone only talks about money and economy. So stupid. We see everything gathering in Tokyo. Thats too much. It s an overplus. And where in this partly cloudy hd did we partly cloudy hd needing so much entertainment? Like when making a drama, they need a murder to make a big scene. That is reverse order. Robert Whiting: So do you use internet? Miyazaki Hayao: No. I dont have a computer or fax. I dont have a DVD player either and I forgot how to use a video recorder. I even seldom watch television. Robert Whiting: How about the use of e-mail? Miyazaki Hayao: No. I write letters when I need. Robert Whiting: And video games? Miyazaki Hayao: No. I once played Shogi note: a Japanese kind of chess with a computer and lost. The PC checks all approaches.

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