Janghwa hongryeon now i feel like i can accomplish anything

Janghwa hongryeon

now i feel like i can accomplish anything. OBAMA 0 yu are my insperation. Today is officially the end of slaverey. So all you tired azz slave azz mofos gangstaz, thugs, drop outs, step and fetch its, country bumpkin azz negros janghwa hongryeon leave with the likes of Bush and the rest of the past. You got until January to get all of your shyt out!! The negro you love to ! cutenkinky, shut the hell up! Why try to down play history? Run out like a good lil girl and go get McCain some more depends he shitted himself last night and this morning and ran through the two boxes Barbie Mc Cain bought him since you think its the worse day in history. Its people like you that wants the law passed to slapped the EXPLETIVE out of dumb bitches as yourself. And its nothing cute nor kinky about you all i see is dumb and ignorant! You have officially pissed me the hell off. YOU RIGHT, ME AND FRIEND IN DETROIT TALK ABOUT THAT POWER AND FORCE THAT PPL ARE ABOUT TO WITTNESS ALL THE TIME. SEE MCCAIN TALKED ABOUT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FOR AMERICA! BUT U DONT HAVE TO FIGHT FOR AMERICA. IF HE READ SUN TZU ART OF WAR HE WOULD KNOW U CAN WIN A WAR WITHOUT KILLING ONE PERSON, WITHOUT SHOOTING ONE MISSLE, WITHOUT FLYING OVER ONE COUNTRY. SEE OBAMA IS HIDING HIS STRENGTH AND MCCAIN SHOWED HIS WHOLE HAND. IT A REASON WHY ALL THE COUNTRIES WANT TO WORK AND HELP USA NOW PRESIDENT OBAMA IS THE LEADER OF THE FREE WORLD. THIS MAN HAS BEEN SENT TO AWAKEN THE DNA IN US THAT WAS ONCE LOST IN SLAVERY LIKE U MENTION. FAR AS US BEING STRIPPED OF EVERYTHING FROM MIND TO LANGO. BUT NOW HE HAS AWAKEN A PART OF THE DNA THATS UNIFYING US EVEN IF WE DONT KNOW WHY WE SHAKING OR SPEAKING TO THE PERSON U NEVER THOUGHT U WILL SPEAK TO OR BE WITH. THIS ELECTION IS JUST THE BEGINNING OF A BRIGHT TOMORROW. SO HATERS AND RACIST, WE NEED U LIKE I SAID BECUZ HOW ELSE WILL WE KNOW THE TRUE POWER OF GOD. I got my chicken and my watermelon. Anyone wanna join its a sad day for you honey, not for everyone. We know the history, at least i do. Im an independant, not a democrat, certainly not a republican. My vote for Obama was based on the issues and how they affect my world and the possible future of my children. Please take accountability for yourself and stop trying to divide people with rhetoric. you appear to just want to show that you have knowledge of a few things in comparison to others on here, which is so condescending. And it means nothing if you lack common sense. But everyone is entitled to their oppinion, even if it lacks merit. Ill never forget November 4th 2008, 11:00pm sharp. I am so proud of Martin Luther Kingss dream comes to pass!! cutenkinky is Mc Cains slave, shes taking out his shitty depends and washing the pee and EXPLETIVE stained sheets of his, while Barbie is out getting botox. I AM SO PROUD TO BE BLACK AND ABLE TO WITNESS THIS HISTORIC MOMENT. I DONT THINK THEIR IS A BETTER MAN OUT THERE FOR THE JOB RIGHT NOW. THE IS TIRED OF BUSH AND WE WANT A CHANGE. OBAMA IS THE ONLY ONE THAT CAN GIVE US WHAT WE NEED. SORRY TEXAS AND THE REST OF THE REDNECK STATES. YOU NOW HAVE A BLACK MAN TO CALL MR. PRESIDENT. trooper preach bruh, i see u always on here telling teh truth no matter what c u most of posted a new obama pic or sumthin pending joe: 9201 S Stony Island Ave, Chicago Im here Congrats to Obama, our first BLACK President!! And I dont care if his mother is white or not, he is still our first BLACK President, because if he was Barack the DRUGDEALER, Barack the PIMP, Barack the CRACKHEAD, Barack the DEFENDANT, Barack the BANKROBBER, Barack the DROP OUT, Barack the DEADBEAT BABY DADDY, or Barack the RAPIST, nobody, and I mean NOBODY, would be claiming that hes not really black, So again, congrats to our first BLACK President!!! I am so proud of Barack Obama and I was moved as well as he quoted Martin Luther Kings speech. I am so proud he will be running our country and making change that is so very much needed! He emodies through his pledge the American Dream and he gives voices to the middle class and minorities, one we have never sometimes felt we had! I could only imagine how emotional and life changing it is to be African American on this day! YES WE CAN!! Please note the WE all made this happen and as a country HE is who we NEED!! My reason for not sharing in the joy and excitement of Barack Obama being elected the 44th President has nothing to do with race. That would be down right silly and insane seeing as how I am a Moorish American woman. I voted for Obama in the primaries.

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