Free willy 3 the rescue part 1 full movie

Free willy 3 the rescue part 1 full movie

They MUST be regretting their decision to stop the franchise especially after TRON: Legacy didn t make as much money as they hoped and Tangled still hasn t exceeded its massive budget. So Disney, shame on you. Fox doesn t seem to be jumping for joy about VDT s box office. We still don t know if we will see another Narnia film. And remember that the studios don t keep all the money. With every weekend, the keep less and less of the gross. So probably, Fox and Walden made very little profit. And now DVD sales are looking weak. VDT didn t flop, but it certainly was not anything impressive. Actually, FOX was happy with VDT s box office. They ran a full page ad in a magazine about the movie grossing 415 million or something like that. Why would they take out a giant ad about the movie s grosses if they weren t happy?! As people have said this was released on a Friday and there is no comparison yet to other Narnia movies and in fact the DVD sales increased the week after because of the release date so wait a few more weeks and then see how VDT s DVD sales are faring. Yes, there is a comparison for DVDs, as I mentioned lower down. VDT, in its first nine days, free willy 3 the rescue part 1 full movie less than half of what PC made in its first five days. Now, VDT had a blu-ray share of 40%, while PC had a blu-ray share of 10%, so that might make up some of the difference. Still, VDT hasn t made as much money on home disc as PC did at the same point in its release. But if PC grossed more in theatres in the US than VDT, why free willy 3 the rescue part 1 full movie you people expecting VDT to sell more DVDs? I think between DVD and blu-ray sales, the movie is doing great. PC was out in time for Christmas sales, if I recall correctly, and it grossed more in the US theatres so naturally, it should outsell VDT. I m just glad the film grossed well worldwide and is selling well on DVD/Blu-Ray. I want another movie!! ARGH! I wish Disney never ever left Narnia!!! How stupid of you to compare it to Tron and Tangled. Disney keeps all profit from those movies, whereas they only kept a margin of what Narnia brought in. You have to look at the bigger picture, both Tron and Tangled will bring in hundreds of millions for Disney over the coming decades through merchandise, themeparks, etc. Ways Fox/Walden could only dream of. So no, I m sure Disney is very happy to have dodged the failure that was VDT. It s called GREED peoples.

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